Elevate Your Soul

To help people to enlighten spiritually.

Get access to Universal Knowledge which will help you increase your personal vibration. You will embark on a journey of self-realization & witness your own transformation.

You Are Not This Body, You Are A Soul

This world is not real & all the truths are covered by the energy of illusion. That is, what we see & perceive through all our senses has other sides & attributes which we must unveil. One of the biggest illusions is that we believe that we are only our bodies. With this type of thinking, we phase out the energy dimension of our existence. We are both body & energy.  And at our origin, we were only energy- spiritual energy.

And the world of energy is an infinite world. To better understand the truth of us not being a mere body, we have to question “What is death?” When we observe a corpse whether it is human, animal or plant, we can ask ourselves what has “left” these bodies to make them inanimate? Until now, science has not been able to answer this fundamental question. But the spiritual realm gives detailed answers to the question of what is life & what is death. These are found in the sacred texts of all major religions. The soul is the answer to what leaves the body after death.

Simple parallels can be used to further explain the phenomenon of energy & soul. An electric bulb is “dead” and does not shine its light if electric energy does not flow through it. The main role of the bulb is to give light- but its body cannot function without electric current. Therefore, the life of the bulb is electric current. A mobile phone is “dead” without a charged battery. The body of the phone is useless without the energy from the battery. So, the life of the mobile phone is the charged battery. You can see the intricate relationship between bodies & energy, and also that between bodies & lives. In hospitals, a defibrillator is used to make the heart beat again- it sends an electric pulse to the heart which is not beating & may reactivate it. In psychiatry, electric shocks administered to the brain to treat certain mental disorders.

Then there must be at least one source of energy inside the body which makes it function properly. There should not be an ounce of doubt on this. The only thing is that it cannot be proven what is that source of energy & where is it located inside our bodies. Does that mean that there is an absence of energy? Certainly not. That is one truth which needs to be uncovered. Spiritually, we say that the soul is found in the middle of the chest, in a chamber inside the heart chakra. That energy of the body is dependent on food, water, breath, protection from diseases, injuries, prevention from violent physical shocks, etc. Any one of these can cause death. The intelligence of the body is such that it knows when vital points are seriously affected, then the soul leaves the body. There are vital energy canals inside our whole body which interconnects all the major energy centres called chakras. Any drop of energy is felt and directed to the soul, the source of our vital energy.