Elevate Your Soul

To help people to enlighten spiritually.

Get access to Universal Knowledge which will help you increase your personal vibration. You will embark on a journey of self-realization & witness your own transformation.

Why I Write

The creation of this website comes at a point when I am being directed by the Divine World to start sharing Universal Knowledge to spiritual aspirants as well as those who are curious of knowledge. I now very rarely do anything on my accord but allow myself to be guided by life itself. This is the essence of the spiritual world.

I have been blessed by a good amount of knowledge which is very important for spiritual seekers, that is, those who are suffering too much & are longing to get relief from the mundane sufferings. And as you may have rightly guessed, the search & thirst for a better life starts after a long period of sustained suffering. So indeed, we learn that this world is of dual nature meaning everything has its opposite & good & bad are intertwined in each other intricately. Therefore, inside the depths of suffering, there is a kind of sweet liberation, if you become aware & knowledgeable about the ways & means.

The fundamental question is where do I get this knowledge? It is available in many ways: